Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Benefits of regular exercise

Andrea and I are no strangers to fitness, but sometimes you take for granted some of the health benefits that a regular fitness program provides. I guess that is mainly because when you go at it on a competitive level, it seems like there is always an injury or weak area that seems to be holding you back. Competitors are very tuned in to what is making their workouts less "efficient."

On the same note, it must be acknowledged that the workout is still a goldmine of benefits, especially when the cumulative effects of months of working out are listed. I thought I'd do everyone a favor and post this article that illuminates some of those benefits.....

In medical circles, there is a substance called an elixir that is supposed to cure all known and yet to be discovered ailments in man. Whether imaginary or existing, it is said to be the ultimate in cures and has no unwanted side effects whatever. This may be yet to be discovered but popular belief points a finger at regular exercises as the cure to all imaginable human health tribulations.

Some of the immediate benefits are:

Improves the capacity and volume of the heart and lungs: This leads to decreased heart beats and lung action with improved blood flow and aeration. There are athletes known to have a maximum of 60 heart beats per minute which compared to the average 72 beats per minute, shows the effect of cardio in human fitness.

Development of stronger bones: Regular exercise puts a strain on the bones which undergo some form of wear and breakdown. The body, during rest, uses minerals such as calcium to rebuild the bones and increases their density to make them stronger.

Maintenance of constant blood sugar content: There is a reason why diabetic doctors prescribe lots of cardiovascular exercise to their patients. These exercises stimulate the brain to increase the amount of sugars dissolved in the blood for sufficing the tissues energy requirements. This keeps the concentration of sugar in the blood at an all time high.

Increase in power: The body responds to the increased activity by building new muscles and strengthening the old muscles. This results in high levels of strengths in one's body.

Improved body balance: The body gets well toned during the workouts. This eases ability to maneuver their body parts. There is a also the creation of a neural muscular connection that facilitates coordination between different body parts. All these are geared to have mind-over-body control.

Decreased body fat content: Fat content not only make's one unshapely, unsightly, lazy and listless due to the energy required to move the extra weight around, but is also unhealthy and can lead to fatal heart conditions such as stroke and heart failure.

Fat is also a leading cause of high blood pressure as the fat clogs the vascular vessels making them constricted and impossible to expand and contract with the flow of blood.

Health is happiness: Ask any health fanatic. The last time the felt down and sad was probably when they were fat. Being fit has a feel-good effect to it due to the freedom and flexibility availed while obesity causes loss of self esteem and lack of confidence. This leads to sadness, stress and further weight gain.

Live longer: There is a relationship between being fit and longevity. Not that exercise makes you younger, but it stimulates your body to build new tissue constantly and the feeling of well being keeps one feeling young, hence you end up looking young too.
Exercise keeps life threatening conditions and diseases at bay thus one also enjoys a few more days of their life.
Dane Fletcher

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